Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ignorance ISN'T Bliss

Today I'm having that day. You know, the one where I have to decide if it's worth the fight. Is it worth the pain in my heart? Maybe I should just 'let it go' and accept that sometimes I'm going to run into ignorance about Autism (or special needs in general).
The problem is that I can't. I physically CAN'T let it go.

I believe that my calling in life includes being a mom, being a teacher and being an advocate. Sometimes these things overlap. Sometimes I can't NOT be these things...they are me, and I am them.

I understand that some people aren't as knowledgeable as I am; that some people don't have to live every day with that fight in their gut (my fellow special needs moms know what I'm talking about) and that's okay. But what I can't understand is that some people are comfortable in their ignorance. I am dealing with this is my personal life. I know that the easy road is to accept it, move on, let it go... but then I ask myself "if I don't stand up and fight for this, who will?"

Children are blessings, even if they are challenging. To me the challenge makes the rewards that much sweeter. Many people can't see past the 'disabilities' that a child has to see the amazing person inside. There is so much inside every human being, those with disabilities are no different. Sometimes we have to learn how to coax that person out a bit, work around particular issues, accomodate certain situations and needs, but when those things come together...you see the beauty in their differences.

Now I don't expect every person to go learn in depth about every disability out there. But this is my wish: Know that we are all different, we all have strengths and weaknesses, we all have feelings and we are all blessings. Show Grace. And if you have a special person in your life, or if one is going to be coming into it in the future... educate yourself. Arm yourself with knowledge. It makes everything so much easier on both you and the person with special needs. I wish I had known more, earlier with Ryan. I wish someone had taken my hand and taught me the ins and outs of Autism. That's why I fight. That's why I talk about Autism. I want the world to KNOW.

And a side note... Please don't use the R-word. Ever. Don't allow those around you to use it. It's painful, hurtful and derogatory. Know the proper language. My son was referenced in being "mentally off". As a mother, that tears my heart apart. Then it pisses me off.