Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Is my child Autistic? Or does he have Autism??

I struggle over this 'word game'. It means the same thing on the surface. Bottom line is that my son has been diagnosed with Autism. What does it matter? It probably doesn't. But I HATE the word Autistic. Hate it. It's pretty irrational, really. And I'm not sure where it even began.
Perhaps it's because it's so labeling. I feel like if you call a child somehow diminishes all the strengths they possess. It overshadows the child and puts this blanket of AUTISM over them.
I prefer to say my son has Autism, because he can also have a sense of humor, a big heart, a loving personality, an interest in snakes and insects, a dislike of loud noises and large crowds, a love of ice cream and a fear of food.
Many people feel different ways about this issue, and none are more right than any of the others...
I just had a moment where I wanted to state my viewpoint. :)

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